
Navigating the Future of B Corp Certification for Small Businesses

October 16, 2024 | By Noise 13

At Noise 13, we were thrilled to earn our B Corp certification in 2023. It was a reflection of our commitment to values-driven business practices that prioritize people, planet, and profit. As many of you know, being a certified B Corporation means meeting rigorous standards in areas like social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. It’s something we’re proud of, and it has connected us with a like-minded community of businesses that share our values. But as we head into our next review in 2026, we’re facing a reality that many other small businesses might relate to: the certification process is evolving, and it may become more difficult for smaller teams like ours to qualify again.

With the shift in requirements, we’re asking ourselves: What if we don’t pass this time? And more importantly, how can we continue to stay true to the principles of being a B Corp, even without the official stamp?

The Benefits of Being a B Corp

Before we dive into the “what ifs,” let’s take a moment to reflect on the many benefits of being a B Corp. Certification has allowed us to:

  • Showcase our values: The B Corp label instantly signals to clients and partners that we’re committed to more than just profit. It’s a way of saying, “We care about the bigger picture.”
  • Join a supportive community: Being part of the B Corp family has connected us to a global network of businesses striving to make a positive impact.
  • Attract values-aligned talent: Our certification has helped us stand out to potential employees who want to work for a company that shares their values.
  • Constant improvement: The B Corp framework pushes us to continuously improve our social and environmental practices, ensuring we stay accountable to our goals.

Staying True to B Corp Values Without Certification

If, like us, you’re a small company wondering about the future of your certification, it’s important to remember that you don’t need an official label to operate with B Corp values. In fact, many of the practices we’ve implemented as a B Corp can and should continue, regardless of certification. Here are a few ways to keep those values at the core of your business:

  1. Embed social and environmental responsibility into your culture: Whether you have a B Corp certification or not, you can keep your commitment to sustainability and social good alive by making it part of your daily operations. This could mean choosing environmentally friendly suppliers, offering your team paid volunteer days, or supporting local communities through pro bono work.
  2. Stay transparent: One of the key pillars of B Corp certification is transparency. Even without the badge, you can maintain open communication with clients, partners, and your team about your business practices, goals, and areas for improvement. Consider publishing an annual impact report to show how you’re progressing in key areas like sustainability, diversity, and ethical sourcing.
  3. Keep improving: The B Corp framework is built around continuous improvement. You don’t need a certification to adopt that mindset. Regularly assess your business practices, set new goals for social and environmental impact, and hold yourself accountable.
  4. Leverage community and partnerships: You can still stay connected with the B Corp community or other values-driven organizations even if you lose certification. Keep attending events, collaborating with other mission-driven businesses, and sharing best practices. It’s about relationships, not just the label.
  5. Communicate your values: If you’re in a similar situation, don’t shy away from talking to clients, customers, and your team about what’s happening. Explain why certification may not be feasible for your business right now, but also reassure them that your values remain unchanged. Authenticity goes a long way.
  6. Champion Diversity and Inclusion: One of the core tenets of being a B Corporation is fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within your workforce and business practices. Whether or not you’re officially certified, you can continue to prioritize DEI by creating an inclusive environment where all voices are heard, respected, and valued. Implement equitable hiring practices, support minority-owned businesses, and provide ongoing education and training on how to be an ally for underrepresented groups. Cultivating a diverse team not only strengthens your company culture, but it also drives innovation and better serves your customers by reflecting a broader range of perspectives.

Looking Ahead

While we hope to maintain our B Corp certification in the years to come, we also recognize that the certification process isn’t always designed with smaller service businesses in mind. But regardless of what happens in 2025, we are committed to retaining the principles that earned us our certification in the first place. At the end of the day, it’s about making a positive impact on the world and our community—and that’s something we’ll continue to do, certification or not.

For other small businesses that might be in a similar boat, know that you’re not alone. Let’s keep pushing forward, staying true to our values, and showing that small businesses can still make a big difference.

— The Noise 13 Team
